Intune Proactive Remediation for “Microsoft Windows Unquoted Service Path” / CVE-2013-1609, CVE-2014-0759, CVE-2014-5455

Microsoft Defender has security recommendations for the “Fix unquoted service path for Windows services.” (CVE-2013-1609, CVE-2014-0759, CVE-2014-5455) These might be reported for things like Dell services, and you can fix them manually by editing the Registry on the affected device. But… There is an easier way 🙂 This blog post will show you how to create a Proactive Remediation in Intune for it.

How does it work?

Intune’s Proactive Remediation detection script will check for services with a Pathname that is not enclosed in quotes and has a space in the Pathname. If it finds one, it will exit the detection script with an Error Code of 1 and write an error message in the Intune Management Extension log.

If the detection is exited with that Error Code of 1 (And not with an Error Code of 0 telling that no issue was found), then the Remediation script will start. I found an excellent PowerShell script for this issue from Vector BCO ( that will fix the problem by adjusting the Pathname in the Registry (The ImagPath string)

Note: Proactive Remediations are only available for customers with the following licenses:

– Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3 or E5 (included in Microsoft 365 F3, E3, or E5)
– Windows 10/11 Education A3 or A5 (included in Microsoft 365 A3 or A5)
– Windows 10/11 Virtual Desktop Access (VDA) per user

The Scrips


The PowerShell script for detecting services without quotes:

# Detection
if (Get-CIMInstance -Class Win32_Service | Select-Object Name, PathName, DisplayName, StartMode | Where-Object { $_.PathName -notmatch '"' -and $_.PathName -match ' ' }) {
    Write-Host ("Service found without quotes")
    exit 1
else {
    Write-Host ("No Service found without quotes")


The PowerShell script for fixing the services without quotes (From Vector BCO):

    Fix for Microsoft Windows Unquoted Service Path Enumeration

    Script for fixing vulnerability "Unquoted Service Path Enumeration" in Services and Uninstall strings. Script modifying registry values. 
    Require Administrator rights and should be run on x64 powershell version in case if OS also have x64 architecture

.PARAMETER FixServices
    This bool parameter allow proceed Services with vulnerability. By default this parameter enabled.
    For disabling this parameter use -FixServices:$False

.PARAMETER FixUninstall
    Parameter allow find and fix vulnerability in UninstallPaths.
    Will be covered paths for x86 and x64 applications on x64 systems.

    Find services with Environment variables in the ImagePath parameter, and replace Env. variable to the it value
    EX. %ProgramFiles%\service.exe will be replace to "C:\Program Files\service.exe"

    Parameter should be used for checking possible system impact.
    With this parameter script would not change anything on your system,
    and only will show information about possible (needed) changes.

.PARAMETER CreateBackup
    When switch parameter enabled script will export registry tree`s
    specified for services or uninstall strings based on operator selection.
    Tree would be exported before any changes.

    [Note] For restoring backup could be used RestoreBackup parameter
    [Note] For providing full backup path could be used BackupName parameter

.PARAMETER RestoreBackup
    This parameter will allow restore previously created backup.
    If BackupName parameter would not be provided will be used last created backup,
    in other case script will try to find selected backup name

    [Note] For creation backup could be used CreateBackup parameter
    [Note] For providing full backup path could be used BackupName parameter

.PARAMETER BackupFolderPath
    Parameter would be proceeded only with CreateBackup or RestoreBackup
    If CreateBackup or RestoreBackup parameter will be provided, then path from this parameter will be used.

    During backup will be created reg file with original values per each service and application that will be modified
    During restoration all reg files in the specified format will be iterable imported to the registry

    Input example: C:\Backup\

    Backup file format:
      for -FixServices switch => Service_<ServiceName>_YYYY-MM-DD_HHmmss.reg
      for -FixUninstall switch => Software_<ApplicationName>_YYYY-MM-DD_HHmmss.reg

    With this parameter will be returned object array without any messages in a console
    Each element will continue Service\Program Name, Path, Type <Service\Software>, ParamName <ImagePath\UninstallString>, OriginalValue, ExpectedValue

    [i] Silent parameter will work only together with Passthru parameter
    If at least 1 Service Path or Uninstall String should be fixed script will return $true
    Otherwise script will return $false

        .\windows_path_enumerate.ps1 -FixUninstall -WhatIf -Passthru -Silent
        $true mean at least 1 service need to be fixed.
        WhatIf switch mean that nothing was fixed, registry was only diagnosed for the vulnerability

    Will display this help message

    Parameter allow to change output file location, or disable logging setting this parameter to empty string or $null.

    # Run powershell as administrator and type path to this script. In case if it will not run type dot (.) before path.
    . C:\Scripts\Windows_Path_Enumerate.ps1

    2017-02-19 15:43:50Z  :  INFO  :  ComputerName: W8-NB
    2017-02-19 15:43:50Z  :  Old Value :  Service: 'BadDriver' - %ProgramFiles%\bad driver\driver.exe -k -l 'oper'
    2017-02-19 15:43:50Z  :  Expected  :  Service: 'BadDriver' - "%ProgramFiles%\bad driver\driver.exe" -k -l 'oper'
    2017-02-19 15:43:50Z  :  SUCCESS  : New Value of ImagePath was changed for service 'BadDriver'
    2017-02-19 15:43:50Z  :  Old Value :  Service: 'NotAVirus' - C:\Program Files\Strange Software\virus.exe -silent
    2017-02-19 15:43:51Z  :  Expected  :  Service: 'NotAVirus' - "C:\Program Files\Strange Software\virus.exe" -silent'
    2017-02-19 15:43:51Z  :  SUCCESS  : New Value of ImagePath was changed for service 'NotAVirus'

    Fix 2 services 'BadDriver', 'NotAVirus'.
    Env variable %ProgramFiles% did not changed to full path in service 'BadDriver'

    # This command, or similar could be used for running script from SCCM
    Powershell -ExecutionPolicy bypass -command ". C:\Scripts\Windows_Path_Enumerate.ps1 -FixEnv"

    2017-02-19 15:43:50Z  :  INFO  :  ComputerName: W8-NB
    2017-02-19 15:43:50Z  :  Old Value :  Service: 'BadDriver' - %ProgramFiles%\bad driver\driver.exe -k -l 'oper'
    2017-02-19 15:43:50Z  :  Expected  :  Service: 'BadDriver' - "C:\Program Files\bad driver\driver.exe" -k -l 'oper'
    2017-02-19 15:43:50Z  :  SUCCESS  : New Value of ImagePath was changed for service 'BadDriver'
    2017-02-19 15:43:50Z  :  Old Value :  Service: 'NotAVirus' - %SystemDrive%\Strange Software\virus.exe -silent
    2017-02-19 15:43:51Z  :  Expected  :  Service: 'NotAVirus' - "C:\Strange Software\virus.exe" -silent'
    2017-02-19 15:43:51Z  :  SUCCESS  : New Value of ImagePath was changed for service 'NotAVirus'

    Fix 2 services 'BadDriver', 'NotAVirus'.
    Env variable %ProgramFiles% replaced to full path 'C:\Program Files' in service 'BadDriver'

    # This command, or similar could be used for running script from SCCM
    Powershell -ExecutionPolicy bypass -command ". C:\Scripts\Windows_Path_Enumerate.ps1 -FixUninstall -FixServices:$False -WhatIf"

    2018-07-02 22:23:02Z  :  INFO  :  ComputerName: test
    2018-07-02 22:23:04Z  :  Old Value : Software : 'FakeSoft32' - c:\Program files (x86)\Fake inc\Pseudo Software\uninstall.exe -silent
    2018-07-02 22:23:04Z  :  Expected  : Software : 'FakeSoft32' - "c:\Program files (x86)\Fake inc\Pseudo Software\uninstall.exe" -silent

    Script will find and displayed

    # This command will return $true if at least 1 path should be fixed or $false if there nothing to fix
    # Log will not be available
    .\windows_path_enumerate.ps1 -FixUninstall -WhatIf -Passthru -Silent -LogName ''


    Name:  Windows_Path_Enumerate.PS1
    Version: 3.5.1
    Author: Vector BCO
    Updated: 8 April 2021


[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Fixing")]

Param (
    [parameter(Mandatory = $false,
        ParameterSetName = "Fixing")]
    [parameter(Mandatory = $False,
        ParameterSetName = "Restoring")]
    [Bool]$FixServices = $true,

    [parameter(Mandatory = $false,
        ParameterSetName = "Fixing")]
    [parameter(Mandatory = $False,
        ParameterSetName = "Restoring")]

    [parameter(Mandatory = $false,
        ParameterSetName = "Fixing")]

    [parameter(Mandatory = $False,
        ParameterSetName = "Fixing")]
    [Alias("cb", "backup")]

    [parameter(Mandatory = $False,
        ParameterSetName = "Restoring")]
    [Alias("rb", "restore")]

    [parameter(Mandatory = $False,
        ParameterSetName = "Fixing")]
    [parameter(Mandatory = $False,
        ParameterSetName = "Restoring")]
    [string]$BackupFolderPath = "C:\Temp\PathEnumerationBackup",

    [parameter(Mandatory = $False,
        ParameterSetName = "Fixing")]
    [parameter(Mandatory = $False,
        ParameterSetName = "Restoring")]
    [string]$LogName = "C:\Temp\ServicesFix-3.5.1.Log",

    [parameter(Mandatory = $False,
        ParameterSetName = "Fixing")]
    [parameter(Mandatory = $False,
        ParameterSetName = "Restoring")]

    [parameter(Mandatory = $False,
        ParameterSetName = "Fixing")]

    [parameter(Mandatory = $False,
        ParameterSetName = "Fixing")]

    [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        ParameterSetName = "Help")]

Function Fix-ServicePath {
        Microsoft Windows Unquoted Service Path Enumeration

        Use Fix-ServicePath to fix vulnerability "Unquoted Service Path Enumeration".

    .PARAMETER FixServices
        This switch parameter allow proceed Services with vulnerability. By default this parameter enabled.
        For disable this parameter use -FixServices:$False

    .PARAMETER FixUninstall
        Parameter allow find and fix vulnerability in UninstallPath.
        Will be covered paths for x86 and x64 applications on x64 systems.

        Find services with Environment variables in the ImagePath parameter, and replace Env. variable to the it value
        EX. %ProgramFiles%\service.exe will be replace to "C:\Program Files\service.exe"

        Parameter should be used for checking possible system impact.
        With this parameter script would not be changing anything on your system,
        and only will show information about possible changes


        2017-02-19 15:43:50Z  :  Old Value :  Service: 'BadDriver' - %ProgramFiles%\bad driver\driver.exe -k -l 'oper'
        2017-02-19 15:43:50Z  :  Expected  :  Service: 'BadDriver' - "%ProgramFiles%\bad driver\driver.exe" -k -l 'oper'
        2017-02-19 15:43:50Z  :  SUCCESS  : New Value of ImagePath was changed for service 'BadDriver'
        2017-02-19 15:43:50Z  :  Old Value :  Service: 'NotAVirus' - C:\Program Files\Strange Software\virus.exe -silent
        2017-02-19 15:43:51Z  :  Expected  :  Service: 'NotAVirus' - "C:\Program Files\Strange Software\virus.exe" -silent'
        2017-02-19 15:43:51Z  :  SUCCESS  : New Value of ImagePath was changed for service 'NotAVirus'

        Fix 2 services 'BadDriver', 'NotAVirus'.
        Env variable %ProgramFiles% did not changed to full path in service 'BadDriver'

        Fix-ServicePath -FixEnv

        2017-02-19 15:43:50Z  :  Old Value :  Service: 'BadDriver' - %ProgramFiles%\bad driver\driver.exe -k -l 'oper'
        2017-02-19 15:43:50Z  :  Expected  :  Service: 'BadDriver' - "C:\Program Files\bad driver\driver.exe" -k -l 'oper'
        2017-02-19 15:43:50Z  :  SUCCESS  : New Value of ImagePath was changed for service 'BadDriver'
        2017-02-19 15:43:50Z  :  Old Value :  Service: 'NotAVirus' - %SystemDrive%\Strange Software\virus.exe -silent
        2017-02-19 15:43:51Z  :  Expected  :  Service: 'NotAVirus' - "C:\Strange Software\virus.exe" -silent'
        2017-02-19 15:43:51Z  :  SUCCESS  : New Value of ImagePath was changed for service 'NotAVirus'

        Fix 2 services 'BadDriver', 'NotAVirus'.
        Env variable %ProgramFiles% replaced to full path 'C:\Program Files' in service 'BadDriver'

        Fix-ServicePath -FixUninstall -FixServices:$False -WhatIf

        2018-07-02 22:23:04Z  :  Old Value : Software : 'FakeSoft32' - c:\Program files (x86)\Fake inc\Pseudo Software\uninstall.exe -silent
        2018-07-02 22:23:04Z  :  Expected  : Software : 'FakeSoft32' - "c:\Program files (x86)\Fake inc\Pseudo Software\uninstall.exe" -silent

        Script will find problems and only display result but will not change anything

        Name:  Fix-ServicePath
        Version: 3.5
        Author: Vector BCO
        Last Modified: 3 May 2020


    Param (
        [bool]$FixServices = $true,
        [string]$BackupFolder = "C:\Temp\PathEnumeration",
    #Configure Backup switch to $true to always create a backup
    # Get all services
    $FixParameters = @()
    If ($FixServices) {
        $FixParameters += @{"Path" = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\" ; "ParamName" = "ImagePath" }
    If ($FixUninstall) {
        $FixParameters += @{"Path" = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" ; "ParamName" = "UninstallString" }
        # If OS x64 - adding paths for x86 programs
        If (Test-Path "$($env:SystemDrive)\Program Files (x86)\") {
            $FixParameters += @{"Path" = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" ; "ParamName" = "UninstallString" }
    If ($Backup) {
        If (! (Test-Path $BackupFolder)) {
            New-Item $BackupFolder -Force -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
    $PTElements = @()
    ForEach ($FixParameter in $FixParameters) {
        Get-ChildItem $FixParameter.Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {
            $SpCharREGEX = '([\[\]])'
            $RegistryPath = $ -Replace 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', 'HKLM:' -replace $SpCharREGEX, '`$1'
            $OriginalPath = (Get-ItemProperty "$RegistryPath")
            $ImagePath = $OriginalPath.$($FixParameter.ParamName)
            If ($FixEnv) {
                If ($($OriginalPath.$($FixParameter.ParamName)) -match '%(?''envVar''[^%]+)%') {
                    $EnvVar = $Matches['envVar']
                    $FullVar = (Get-ChildItem env: | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $EnvVar }).value
                    $ImagePath = $OriginalPath.$($FixParameter.ParamName) -replace "%$EnvVar%", $FullVar
                    Clear-Variable Matches
                } # End If
            } # End If $fixEnv
            # Get all services with vulnerability
            If (($ImagePath -like "* *") -and ($ImagePath -notLike '"*"*') -and ($ImagePath -like '*.exe*')) {
                # Skip MsiExec.exe in uninstall strings
                If ((($FixParameter.ParamName -eq 'UninstallString') -and ($ImagePath -NotMatch 'MsiExec(\.exe)?') -and ($ImagePath -Match '^((\w\:)|(%[-\w_()]+%))\\')) -or ($FixParameter.ParamName -eq 'ImagePath')) {
                    $NewPath = ($ImagePath -split ".exe ")[0]
                    $key = ($ImagePath -split ".exe ")[1]
                    $trigger = ($ImagePath -split ".exe ")[2]
                    $NewValue = ''
                    # Get service with vulnerability with key in ImagePath
                    If (-not ($trigger | Measure-Object).count -ge 1) {
                        If (($NewPath -like "* *") -and ($NewPath -notLike "*.exe")) {
                            $NewValue = "`"$NewPath.exe`" $key"
                        } # End If
                        # Get service with vulnerability with out key in ImagePath
                        ElseIf (($NewPath -like "* *") -and ($NewPath -like "*.exe")) {
                            $NewValue = "`"$NewPath`""
                        } # End ElseIf
                        If ((-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($NewValue))) -and ($NewPath -like "* *")) {
                            try {
                                $soft_service = $(if ($FixParameter.ParamName -Eq 'ImagePath') { 'Service' }Else { 'Software' })
                                $OriginalPSPathOptimized = $OriginalPath.PSPath -replace $SpCharREGEX, '`$1'
                                Write-Output "$(get-date -format u)  :  Old Value : $soft_service : '$($OriginalPath.PSChildName)' - $($OriginalPath.$($FixParameter.ParamName))"
                                Write-Output "$(get-date -format u)  :  Expected  : $soft_service : '$($OriginalPath.PSChildName)' - $NewValue"
                                if ($Passthru) {
                                    $PTElements += '' | Select-Object `
                                    @{n = 'Name'; e = { $OriginalPath.PSChildName } }, `
                                    @{n = 'Type'; e = { $soft_service } }, `
                                    @{n = 'ParamName'; e = { $FixParameter.ParamName } }, `
                                    @{n = 'Path'; e = { $OriginalPSPathOptimized } }, `
                                    @{n = 'OriginalValue'; e = { $OriginalPath.$($FixParameter.ParamName) } }, `
                                    @{n = 'ExpectedValue'; e = { $NewValue } }
                                If ($Backup) {
                                    $BcpFileName = "$BackupFolder\$soft_service`_$($OriginalPath.PSChildName)`_$(get-date -uFormat "%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S").reg"
                                    $BcpTmpFileName = "$BackupFolder\$soft_service`_$($OriginalPath.PSChildName)`_$(get-date -uFormat "%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S").tmp"
                                    $BcpRegistryPath = $RegistryPath -replace '\:'
                                    Write-Output "$(get-date -format u)  :  Creating registry backup : $BcpFileName"
                                    $ExportResult = REG EXPORT $BcpRegistryPath $BcpTmpFileName | Out-String
                                    Get-Content $BcpTmpFileName | Out-File $BcpFileName -Append
                                    Remove-Item $BcpTmpFileName -Force -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue"
                                    Write-Output "$(get-date -format u)  :  Backup Result : $($ExportResult -split '\r\n' | Where-Object {$_ -NotMatch '^$'})"
                                If (! $WhatIf) {
                                    Set-ItemProperty -Path $OriginalPSPathOptimized -Name $($FixParameter.ParamName) -Value $NewValue -ErrorAction Stop
                                    $DisplayName = ''
                                    $keyTmp = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $OriginalPSPathOptimized)
                                    If ($soft_service -match 'Software') {
                                        $DisplayName = $keyTmp.DisplayName
                                    If ($keyTmp.$($FixParameter.ParamName) -eq $NewValue) {
                                        Write-Output "$(get-date -format u)  :  SUCCESS  : Path value was changed for $soft_service '$($OriginalPath.PSChildName)' $(if($DisplayName){"($DisplayName)"})"
                                    } # End If
                                    Else {
                                        Write-Output "$(get-date -format u)  :  ERROR  : Something is going wrong. Path was not changed for $soft_service '$(if($DisplayName){$DisplayName}else{$OriginalPath.PSChildName})'."
                                    } # End Else
                                } # End If
                            } # End try
                            Catch {
                                Write-Output "$(get-date -format u)  :  ERROR  : Something is going wrong. Value changing failed in service '$($OriginalPath.PSChildName)'."
                                Write-Output "$(get-date -format u)  :  ERROR  : $_"
                            } # End Catch
                            Clear-Variable NewValue
                        } # End If
                    } # End Main If
                } # End if (Skip not needed strings)
            } # End If
            If (($trigger | Measure-Object).count -ge 1) {
                Write-Output "$(get-date -format u)  :  ERROR  : Can't parse  $($OriginalPath.$($FixParameter.ParamName)) in registry  $($OriginalPath.PSPath -replace 'Microsoft\.PowerShell\.Core\\Registry\:\:') "
            } # End If
        } # End Foreach
    } # End Foreach
    if ($Passthru) {
        return $PTElements

Function Get-OSandPoShArchitecture {
    # Check OS architecture
    if ((Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object OSArchitecture).OSArchitecture -match "64.?bits?") {
        if ([intptr]::Size -eq 8) {
            Return $true, $true
        else {
            Return $true, $false
    else { Return $false, $false }

Function Tee-Log {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    if ($Silent) {
        $Input | Out-File -FilePath $LogName -Append
    else {
        $Input | Tee-Object -FilePath $LogName -Append

if ((! $FixServices) -and (! $FixUninstall)) {
    Throw "Should be selected at least one of two parameters: FixServices or FixUninstall. `r`n For more details use 'get-help Windows_Path_Enumerate.ps1 -full'"

if ($Help) {
    Write-Output "For help use this command in powershell: Get-Help $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -full"
    powershell -command "& Get-Help $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -full"

$OS, $PoSh = Get-OSandPoShArchitecture
If (($OS -eq $true) -and ($PoSh -eq $true)) {
    $validation = "$(get-date -format u)  :  INFO  : Executed x64 Powershell on x64 OS"
elseIf (($OS -eq $true) -and ($PoSh -eq $false)) {
    $validation = "$(get-date -format u)  :  WARNING  : !ATTENTION! : Executed x32 Powershell on x64 OS. Not all vulnerabilities could be fixed.`r`n"
    $validation += "$(get-date -format u)  :  WARNING  : For fixing all vulnerabilities should be used x64 Powershell."
else {
    $validation = "$(get-date -format u)  :  INFO  : Executed x32 Powershell on x32 OS"

$DeleteLogFile = $false

if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($LogName)) {
    # Log will be written to the temp file if file not specified
    $DeleteLogFile = $true
    $LogName = New-TemporaryFile 
If (! (Test-Path $LogName)) {
    # If path does not exists it should be created
    try {
        $tmpLogPath = $LogName
        if ($tmpLogPath -NotMatch '[\\\/]$') { 
            $tmpLogName = ($tmpLogPath -split '[\\\/]')[-1]
            $tmpLogPath = $tmpLogPath -replace "$tmpLogName`$"
        else {
            $tmpLogName = 'ServicesFix-3.X.Log'
        if (! (Test-Path $tmpLogPath)) {
            New-Item -Path $tmpLogPath -Force -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
        New-Item -Path "$tmpLogPath\$tmpLogName" -Force -ItemType File | Out-Null
        $LogName = "$tmpLogPath\$tmpLogName"
    catch {
        Throw "Log file '$LogName' does not exists and cannot be created. Error: $_"

'*********************************************************************' | Tee-Log -FilePath $LogName -Silent:$Passthru
"$(get-date -format u)  :  INFO  : ComputerName: $($Env:ComputerName)" | Tee-Log -FilePath $LogName -Silent:$Passthru
$validation | Tee-Log -FilePath $LogName -Silent:$Passthru

if ($RestoreBackup) {
    if ($FixServices -and (! $FixUninstall)) {
        $RegexPart = "Service"
    elseif ($FixUninstall -and (! $FixServices)) {
        $RegexPart = "Software"
    elseif ($FixUninstall -and $FixServices) {
        $RegexPart = "(Service|Software)"

    if (Test-Path $BackupFolderPath) {
        $FilesToImport = Get-ChildItem "$BackupFolderPath\" | Where-Object { $_.Name -match "$RegexPart`_.+_\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}_\d{3,6}\.reg$" } 
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FilesToImport)) {
            Write-Output "$(get-date -format u)  :  No backup files find in $BackupFolderPath" | Tee-Log -FilePath $LogName -Silent:$Passthru
        else {
            Foreach ($FileToImport in $FilesToImport) {
                Write-Output "$(get-date -format u)  :  Importing '$($FileToImport.Name)' file to the registry" | Tee-Log -FilePath $LogName -Silent:$Passthru
                if ($WhatIf) {
                    Write-Output "$(get-date -format u)  :  Whatif switch selected so nothing changed..." | Tee-Log -FilePath $LogName -Silent:$Passthru
                else {
                    REGEDIT /s $($FileToImport.FullName)
                #Write-Output "$(get-date -format u)  :  Result : $($ImportResult -split '\r\n' | Where-Object {$_ -NotMatch '^$'})" | Tee-Log -FilePath $LogName -Silent:$Passthru 
    else {
        Write-Output "$(get-date -format u)  :  Backup folder does not exists. Nothing to restore..." | Tee-Log -FilePath $LogName -Silent:$Passthru
else {
    $ScriptExecutionResult = Fix-ServicePath `
        -FixUninstall:$FixUninstall `
        -FixServices:$FixServices `
        -WhatIf:$WhatIf `
        -FixEnv:$FixEnv `
        -Passthru:$Passthru `
        -Backup:$CreateBackup `
        -BackupFolder $BackupFolderPath 

    if ($Passthru -and (! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ScriptExecutionResult))) {
        $Objects = $ScriptExecutionResult | Where-Object { $_.GetType().Name -eq 'PSCustomObject' }
        $ScriptExecutionResult = $ScriptExecutionResult | Where-Object { $_.GetType().Name -ne 'PSCustomObject' }

    $ScriptExecutionResult | Tee-Log -FilePath $LogName -Silent:$Passthru
    If ($Passthru) {
        If ($Silent -and $(( $Objects | Measure-Object ).Count -ge 1)) {
        ElseIf ($Silent) {
        Else {

if ($DeleteLogFile) {
    Remove-Item $LogName -Force -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue"

Adding it to Intune

Below are the steps to add this to Intune:

  • Go to Endpoint analytics – Microsoft Intune admin center
  • Select Create script package
  • Enter a Name (Microsoft Windows Unquoted Service Path, for example)
  • Change the Publisher to PowerShellisfun, for example
  • Select Next
  • Click the Folder Icon on the Detection script file line and browse/select the saved Detection.ps1 file.
  • Click the Folder Icon on the Remediation script file line and browse/select the saved Remediation.ps1 file.
  • Set Run Script in 64-Bit PowerShell to Yes
  • Select Next
  • Select Scope tags if desired.
  • Select Next
  • Click Select Groups to include and select the group of devices that you want the scrips to run on.
  • Configure the schedule of the group to run the script Daily or Hourly
  • Select Next
  • Review the Summary page and select Create

Check the Device status results to see the progress of the clients.

My advice would be to run the script on one of the clients that Microsoft Defender had a Security Recommendation on first, monitor the results, and expand on that until you feel confident enough to assign it to a (Dynamic) Group containing all your devices.

Log output

When checking the IntuneManamentExtension.log file on the assigned devices, you will see this when there is a service without quotation marks and that the Remediation script has run:

<![LOG[[HS] err output = ]LOG]!><time="11:45:23.4871809" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[[HS] std output = 2023-05-03 11:45:17Z  :  SUCCESS  : Path value was changed for Service 'IntelAudioService']LOG]!><time="11:45:23.4871809" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[[HS] RemediationScript parsing result is done ]LOG]!><time="11:45:23.4871809" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[[HS] Returned exitcode from child process is 0]LOG]!><time="11:45:23.4871809" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[[HS] remediation script exit code is 0]LOG]!><time="11:45:23.4871809" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[[HS] Create output files successfully.]LOG]!><time="11:45:23.5032802" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[[HS] ACL output files successfully]LOG]!><time="11:45:23.5032802" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[[HS] currentPolicy.IsFirstPartyScript: False]LOG]!><time="11:45:23.5032802" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[[HS] Is managed installer policy: False]LOG]!><time="11:45:23.5032802" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[[HS] Processing policy with id = 42cf0975-c05b-4ba0-b02d-5ff33d1d1833]LOG]!><time="11:45:23.5032802" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[[HS] The policy needs be run as System]LOG]!><time="11:45:23.5032802" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[[HS]: Enforce signature check = False, Running mode = 1]LOG]!><time="11:45:23.5032802" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG["C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Intune Management Extension\agentexecutor.exe"  -remediationScript  ""C:\Windows\IMECache\HealthScripts\42cf0975-c05b-4ba0-b02d-5ff33d1d1833_1\detect.ps1"" ""C:\Windows\IMECache\HealthScripts\42cf0975-c05b-4ba0-b02d-5ff33d1d1833_1\47e138e1-0380-4f04-9533-ce6e6a7d9ca4_PreDetectScript.output"" ""C:\Windows\IMECache\HealthScripts\42cf0975-c05b-4ba0-b02d-5ff33d1d1833_1\47e138e1-0380-4f04-9533-ce6e6a7d9ca4_PreDetectScript.error"" ""C:\Windows\IMECache\HealthScripts\42cf0975-c05b-4ba0-b02d-5ff33d1d1833_1\47e138e1-0380-4f04-9533-ce6e6a7d9ca4_PreDetectScript.timeout"" 3600 "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0" 0 ""C:\Windows\IMECache\HealthScripts\42cf0975-c05b-4ba0-b02d-5ff33d1d1833_1\47e138e1-0380-4f04-9533-ce6e6a7d9ca4_PreDetectScript.exit"" False ""]LOG]!><time="11:45:23.5032802" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[Launch powershell executor in machine session]LOG]!><time="11:45:23.5032802" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[Create proxy process successfully.]LOG]!><time="11:45:23.5189918" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[process id = 3692]LOG]!><time="11:45:23.5189918" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[Powershell execution is done, exitCode = 0]LOG]!><time="11:45:24.5906888" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[Find 1 MDM certificates.]LOG]!><time="11:45:29.6075923" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[[HS] err output = ]LOG]!><time="11:45:29.6075923" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[[HS] std output = No Service found without quotes]LOG]!><time="11:45:29.6075923" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[[HS] PostDetectScript parsing result is done ]LOG]!><time="11:45:29.6075923" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[[HS] Returned exitcode from child process is 0]LOG]!><time="11:45:29.6075923" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">
<![LOG[[HS] the post detection script result for 42cf0975-c05b-4ba0-b02d-5ff33d1d1833 is True]LOG]!><time="11:45:29.6075923" date="5-3-2023" component="IntuneManagementExtension" context="" type="1" thread="36" file="">

Download the script(s) from GitHub here


Be aware that even though you configure the device group to check every hour, it can take a while to run and report back… So, patience is a virtue 😉

24 thoughts on “Intune Proactive Remediation for “Microsoft Windows Unquoted Service Path” / CVE-2013-1609, CVE-2014-0759, CVE-2014-5455

  1. Pingback: Intune Newsletter - 12th May 2023 - Andrew Taylor

  2. Thanks! The other challenge is the remediation script needs a parameter to fix the uninstall path. The script probably needs to be cut up/recreated to do it. The script is just a monster!

  3. This isn’t working for me.

    Just getting this in the log file and the script exits

    PS C:\Repositories> . ‘C:\Repositories\Intune\Scripts\FixUnQuotedServices\Remediate_UnquotedServices.ps1’

    2023-06-02 12:09:19Z : INFO : ComputerName: PC6395
    2023-06-02 12:09:19Z : INFO : Executed x64 Powershell on x64 OS

    • If you run the detection script on that machine in ISE, what does it say? If there’s nothing to fix / no issues found, then running the remediation script will do nothing because of that

  4. Great Script

    Since you cant run the -create backup parameter from Intune’s remediation scripts, I added “$backup=$true” at line 324, to ensure each client machine had a local backup

  5. Just a note for the “Adding it to Intune” section. in the new Intune UI they’ve moved the Scripts section to the Windows Devices blade with them now known as ‘Remediations’ or ‘Platform Scripts’.

  6. Thank you for the script, its great. We perhaps noticed something that might need addressing in the detection script:

    { $.StartMode -eq ‘Auto’ -and $.PathName -notmatch ‘Windows’

    Above (if we’re not mistaken), indicates that firstly the start mode being automatic… wouldn’t we want to capture all of the services i.e manual ones and even disabled ones.

    Also and more importantly in our opinion, wouldn’t we want to quote services that include ‘Windows’ in its name given they are vulnerable as well if not quoted? To us it reads as if you’re excluding service with ‘Windows’ in its name, is that right?

    • I captured the auto starting one, could test that without that check. The Pathname is being checked for having Windows in it to detect services outside the Windows folder. (Did this for those CVE’s back then). You could change the script to:

      if (Get-CIMInstance -Class Win32_Service | Select-Object Name, PathName, DisplayName, StartMode | Where-Object PathName -notmatch ‘”‘ ) {
      Write-Host (“Service found without quotes”)
      exit 1
      else {
      Write-Host (“No Service found without quotes”)

      Could you test that?

  7. For a detection script that would cover both uninstall paths and the service paths, I think you should be able to leverage the original script. Just like how it was suggested above to have the $backup=$true, you can instead replace the $Backup=$true with these 4 lines, $whatif=$true, $Passthru=$True, $Slient=$True and $FixUninstall=$True. That will run the script in silent mode and will return 1 if there were elements found that needed to be fixed and will also cover the uninstall paths and the whatif should prevent any changes.

    • Oh, nice! I just used it as the Remediaton script but didn’t think about using it as the Detection script 🙂 (My Detection scripts are usually something small with a larger Remediation script)

  8. Thank you very much for the scripts, very good.
    The detection script works better, I do not think Automox’s Regex is correct still miss some services.

    The Remediation script is awesome, I love the log and backup, but I do have a problem with it.

    When I run the script directly on the machine using PS or ISE, the backup and logs are created with no issues, but when I run it via SCCM compliance Baseline/Configuration Items, it remediate the services but it doesn’t create log or back, I can see the service was detected and fixed with the double quotation added after the Remediation script run but no backup or log even $backup=$true

  9. Yes, both the default values set unchanged

    Script parameters
    Name: BackupFolderPath
    Value: C:\Temp\PathEnumerationBackup

    Name: CreateBackup
    Value: $true

    Name: FixEnv

    Name: FixServices
    Value: $true

    Name: FixUninstall

    Name: LogName
    Value: C:\Temp\ServicesFix-3.5.1.Log

    Name: Passthru

    Name: RestoreBackup

    • I ran the script again using -CreateBackup:$true -LogName c:\temp\ServicesFix-3.5.1.Log -FixServices:$true -BackupFolderPath C:\Temp\PathEnumerationBackup. No fixes needed, but it did update the log… Does require Run as Admin. Does SCCM run it like that? (I guess as System, so that should be ok..)

      Could you put start-transcript c:\temp\log.txt at the top of the script and stop-transcript at the bottom? Check the log.txt after running the script to see what’s going on

  10. Hi Harm,

    Thanks for the nice blog without advertisements.

    Regarding the detection script: It seems to find strings without blanks in the path if they are not in quotes. Example: C:\apps\OpenVPN\bin\openvpn-gui.exe
    My understanding is that this is not an issue. An exploit would for example be possible with this path:
    C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin\openvpn-gui.exe
    If an attacker manages to put a file called program.exe in the root of c: it will be launched. Am I wrong? Thx

    • It should only be needed for path names with spaces in them, perhaps just only when in the root c:\ driver. Adding “-and $_.PathName -match ‘ ‘” should fix that. While it doesn’t hurt to use ” around the path, event when not needed, I did add that to the blog post! And I also removed the StartMode check, it now checks all services 🙂 Thanks for the feedback!

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