Intune Autopilot report using Microsoft Graph

One of the best things about Microsoft Intune is Windows Autopilot. In this blog post, I will show you how to create a report of the current status of Windows Autopilot in your tenant.

What is Windows Autopilot?

“Windows Autopilot is a collection of technologies used to set up and pre-configure new devices, getting them ready for productive use. Windows Autopilot can be used to deploy Windows PCs or HoloLens 2 devices. For more information about deploying HoloLens 2 with Autopilot, see Windows Autopilot for HoloLens 2.

You can also use Windows Autopilot to reset, repurpose, and recover devices. This solution enables an IT department to achieve these goals with little to no infrastructure to manage, with a process that’s easy and simple.

Windows Autopilot simplifies the Windows device lifecycle, for both IT and end users, from initial deployment to end of life. Using cloud-based services, Windows Autopilot:

  • Reduces the time IT spends on deploying, managing, and retiring devices.
  • Reduces the infrastructure required to maintain the devices.
  • Maximizes ease of use for all types of end users.”

Source: Overview of Windows Autopilot | Microsoft Learn

What does the script do?

It gathers your tenant’s Autopilot devices, profiles, and last synchronization date/time and outputs the information in an Excel spreadsheet (In three tabs with a time/date stamp). The connection is made using Microsoft Graph; you must have enough permissions to retrieve that information. If not, you will be prompted for Graph permissions.

Running the script

Starting the Windows_Autopilot_Report.ps1 script will prompt you to where the Excel spreadsheet should be saved. (To specify it immediately, start the script with the parameter –OutputFileName.) It will then prompt you for your tenant’s admin credentials and save the results. If there are modules that the script needs but are not installed… Then, it will download and install them for you. 🙂 (This may prompt you to trust the Gallery or install NuGet, and installation might take a minute)

In the example below, I run the script against my tenant:

The Excel Spreadsheet looks like this:

The Autopilot Devices tab:

The Autopilot Profiles tab:

The Autopilot Sync info tab:

Note: The script could be updated to report on more Windows Autopilot items in your tenant.

The script

Below are the contents of the script. Save it to c:\scripts, for example.

    [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$OutputFileName

#Check if filename is correct
if (-not ($OutputFileName.EndsWith('.xlsx'))) {
    Write-Warning ("Specified filename {0} is not correct, should end with .xlsx. Exiting...")

#Check access to the path, and if the file already exists, append if it does or test the creation of a new one
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $OutputFileName)) {
    try {
        New-Item -Path $OutputFileName -ItemType File -Force:$true -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        Remove-Item -Path $OutputFileName -Force:$true -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
        Write-Host ("Specified {0} filename is correct, and the path is accessible, continuing..." -f $OutputFileName) -ForegroundColor Green
    catch {
        Write-Warning ("Path to specified {0} filename is not accessible, correct or file is in use, exiting..." -f $OutputFileName)
else {
    Write-Warning ("Specified file {0} already exists, appending data to it..." -f $OutputFileName)

#Check if necessary modules are installed, install missing modules if not
if (-not ((Get-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication, Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManagement, ImportExcel, WindowsAutoPilotIntune -ListAvailable | Select-Object Name -Unique).count -eq 4)) {
    Write-Warning ("One or more required modules were not found, installing now...")
    try {
        Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication, Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManagement, ImportExcel, WindowsAutoPilotIntune -Confirm:$false -SkipPublisherCheck -Scope CurrentUser -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        Write-Warning ("Error installing required modules, exiting...")

#Connect MgGraph
try {
    Connect-MgGraph -Scopes 'DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.All' -NoWelcome
    Write-Host ("Connected to Microsoft Graph, continuing...") -ForegroundColor Green
catch {
    Write-Warning ("Error connecting Microsoft Graph, check Permissions/Account. Exiting...")

#Gather details for the report
try {
    $AutopilotDevices = Get-AutopilotDevice -ErrorAction Stop
    $AutopilotProfiles = Get-AutopilotProfile -ErrorAction Stop
    $AutoPilotSyncInfo = Get-AutopilotSyncInfo -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Host ("Retrieved Autopilot information") -ForegroundColor Green
catch {
    Write-Warning ("Error retrieving data, check permissions. Exiting...")

#Set dateformat for the Excel tabs
$date = Get-Date -Format ddMMyyhhmm

$total = foreach ($AutopilotDevice in $AutopilotDevices | Sort-Object serialNumber) {
        DeviceId                               = $AutopilotDevice.azureActiveDirectoryDeviceId
        IntuneId                               = $
        DeviceName                             = if ((Get-MgBetaDeviceManagementManagedDevice -ManagedDeviceId $AutopilotDevice.managedDeviceId).DeviceName) {
            (Get-MgBetaDeviceManagementManagedDevice -ManagedDeviceId $AutopilotDevice.managedDeviceId).DeviceName
        else {
        GroupTag                               = if ($AutopilotDevice.groupTag) { 
        else { "None" }
        'Assigned user'                        = if ($AutopilotDevice.addressableUserName) { 
        else { "None" }
        'Last contacted'                       = if ($AutopilotDevice.lastContactedDateTime) {
        else {
        'Profile status'                       = $AutopilotDevice.deploymentProfileAssignmentStatus
        'Profile assignment Date'              = $AutopilotDevice.deploymentProfileAssignedDateTime
        'Purchase order'                       = if ($AutopilotDevice.purchaseOrderIdentifier) {
        else {
        'Remediation state'                    = $AutopilotDevice.remediationState
        'Remediation state last modified date' = $AutopilotDevice.remediationStateLastModifiedDateTime
        Manufacturer                           = $AutopilotDevice.manufacturer
        Model                                  = $AutopilotDevice.model
        Serialnumber                           = $AutopilotDevice.serialNumber
        'System family'                        = $AutopilotDevice.systemFamily
try {
    $total | Export-Excel -Path $OutputFileName -WorksheetName "AutopilotDevices_$($date)" -AutoFilter -AutoSize -Append -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Host ("Exported Autopilot Devices to {0}" -f $OutputFileName) -ForegroundColor Green
catch {
    Write-Warning ("Error exporting Autopilot Devices to {0}" -f $OutputFileName)

$total = foreach ($AutopilotProfile in $AutopilotProfiles) {
        Name                                        = $AutopilotProfile.displayName
        Description                                 = if ($AutopilotProfile.description) {
        else {
        'Created on'                                = $AutopilotProfile.createdDateTime
        'Last modified on'                          = $AutopilotProfile.lastModifiedDateTime
        'Convert all targeted devices to Autopilot' = $AutopilotProfile.extractHardwareHash
        'Allow pre-provisioned deployment'          = $AutopilotProfile.enableWhiteGlove
        'Apply device name template'                = if ($AutopilotProfile.deviceNameTemplate) {
        else {
        'Automatically configure keyboard'          = $AutopilotProfile.outOfBoxExperienceSettings.skipKeyboardSelectionPage
        'Device Type'                               = $AutopilotProfile.deviceType
        'Hide Microsoft Software License Terms'     = $AutopilotProfile.outOfBoxExperienceSettings.hideEULA
        'Hide Privacy settings'                     = $AutopilotProfile.outOfBoxExperienceSettings.hidePrivacySettings
        'Language (Region)'                         = $AutopilotProfile.language
        'User account type'                         = $AutopilotProfile.outOfBoxExperienceSettings.userType
try {
    $total | Export-Excel -Path $OutputFileName -WorksheetName "AutopilotProfiles_$($date)" -AutoFilter -AutoSize -Append
    Write-Host ("Exported Autopilot Profiles to {0}" -f $OutputFileName) -ForegroundColor Green
catch {
    Write-Warning ("Error exporting Autopilot Profiles to {0}" -f $OutputFileName)

#Autopilot Sync information
$total = [PSCustomObject]@{
    syncStatus              = $AutoPilotSyncInfo.syncStatus
    'Last sync time'        = $AutoPilotSyncInfo.lastSyncDateTime
    'Last manual sync time' = $AutoPilotSyncInfo.lastManualSyncTriggerDateTime
try {
    $total | Export-Excel -Path $OutputFileName -WorksheetName "AutopilotSyncInfo_$($date)" -AutoFilter -AutoSize -Append
    Write-Host ("Exported Autopilot Sync Information to {0}" -f $OutputFileName) -ForegroundColor Green
catch {
    Write-Warning ("Error exporting Autopilot Sync Information to {0}" -f $OutputFileName)

Write-Host ("`nDone!") -ForegroundColor Green

Download the script(s) from GitHub here

3 thoughts on “Intune Autopilot report using Microsoft Graph

  1. Pingback: Intune Newsletter - 20th October 2023 - Andrew Taylor

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